On our last day we were tourists in Tarapoto before going to the airport for our late flight.
Eared Dove is common in cities. It is very similar to our Mourning Dove, but without the long tail.Here are fresh cacao pods for sale in the market.Processed cacao sold in plugs
We saw very few cars in Peru.
The main private vehicle is a motorcycle.
But the most abundant vehicles on the road were the "mototaxis", which were everywhere.
There is a theme to Peruvian entrees; a mound of white rice, meat, and variably beans, potatoes, or plaintains, etc.
As in Ecuador, many places in this coffee-producing country served instant coffee. If you want good coffee, go to Brazil.
The standard Latin American practice that is hard for this North American to adjust to.
The grandmotherly hotel keeper couldn't speak any English at all, except that some one had trained her to say
“Watch your head” whenever an American started up the stairs.
Peruvians are quite short on average
and few would need the warning.
“Don't pee outside the pot”
Any reasonably new building has safe zones in case of earthquakes.