Blue-winged Teal maleBlue-winged Teal pairNorthern Shoveler maleNorthern Shoveler femaleRing-necked PheasantWestern GrebeWestern Grebe – When the light catches that red eye just right...American White PelicansSnowy Egret – This bird was a little unusual; apparently no one else has reported one in western Nebraska this year.White-faced IbisSwainson's HawkThe Swainson's Hawk was in this tiny sandhills oasis (these are the only trees in sight).
There was a nest there that I suspect was its nest.
Strangely, I scored a double Swainson's in this oasis: It also hosted a Swainson's Thrush, not to mention also
three American Redstarts and a Hairy Woodpecker.
I suspect that the migrants were just very glad to have found even one tree when dawn broke.
American AvocetPiping Plover – Yes, there is a small breeding population in Nebraska. This was at Lake McConaughy.Upland SandpiperUpland Sandpiper – I took a lot of photos from the car.
It's amazing how many photos have a strand of barbed wire across the middle.Long-billed Curlewfemale Wilson's Phalaropefemale Wilson's Phalaropemale Wilson's Phalarope – Phalaropes are among the very few birds in which the female is the more brightly colored sex.Eurasian Collared-Dove