It wasn't all Cape May Warblers; I also saw lots of other warbler species.
Northern Waterthrush
Black-and-white Warbler
Female Hooded Warbler
Male Hooded Warbler
Female American Redstart. Tired over-water migrants are glad to take a break on a boat railing.
Female American Redstart
Male American Redstart
Male American Redstart
Female Yellow-rumped Warbler, male and female Northern Parula
Male Northern Parula and female Yellow-rumped Warbler
Northern Parula
Northern Parula
Female Yellow Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Blackpoll and Palm Warblers
Black-throated Blue Warbler. You can see the black markings on the back that indicate this is the Appalachian subspecies.
Black-throated Blue, Blackpoll, and Cape May Warblers
Add in a Northern Parula to get 4 warbler species in one photo!
Palm Warbler
Palm Warbler
Palm Warbler
Palm Warbler
Female Yellow-rumped Warbler
Prairie Warbler. The Prairie Warbler photos are from the mainland, not on the Dry Tortugas.
Prairie Warbler
Prairie Warbler