Saw-billed Hermit Ramphodon naevius 8 Oct 2010, Ubatuba
Rufous-breasted Hermit Glaucis hirsutus 13–14 Oct 2010, Guapi Assu Bird Lodge
This was my first lifer that I caught before I identified it! There was an open door (photo below) near the hummingbird feeders, and this bird flew in while we were eating breakfast, and couldn't find its way out. The second photo shows it none the worse for the wear the next day.
Reddish Hermit Phaethornis ruber 8 Oct 2010, Angelim Rainforest, Ubatuba
Scale-throated Hermit Phaethornis eurynome 15 Oct 2010, Macaé do Cimo
Swallow-tailed Hummingbird Eupetomena macroura 14 Oct 2010, Guapi Assu Bird Lodge
Black Jacobin Florisuga fusca 10 Oct 2010, Itatiaia National Park
14 Oct 2010, Guapi Assu Bird Lodge
Plovercrest Stephanoxis lalandi 11 Oct 2010, Agulhas Negras Road
Frilled Coquette Lophornis magnificus female, 10 Oct 2010, Itatiaia National Park
Festive Coquette Lophornis chalybeus 8 Oct 2010, Ubatuba
Violet-capped Woodnymph Thalurania glaucopis 8 Oct 2010, Ubatuba
10–11 Oct 2010, Itatiaia National Park
13 Oct 2010, Guapi Assu Bird Lodge
White-throated Hummingbird Leucochloris albicollis 10 Oct 2010, Itatiaia National Park
White-throated Hummingbird Leucochloris albicollis, Brazilian Ruby, and Black Jacobin, 15 Oct 2010, Macaé do Cimo
Versicolored Emerald Amazilia versicolor 8 Oct 2010, Ubatuba
Sapphire-spangled Emerald Amazilia lactea 8 Oct 2010, Ubatuba
19 Oct 2010, Caraça
Brazilian Ruby Clytolaema rubricauda female 17 Oct 2010, Macaé do Cimo. Females are plain rufous below.
10 Oct 2010, Itatiaia National Park
Brazilian Ruby male 10–11 Oct 2010, Itatiaia National Park. As in many hummingbirds, males often look solid dark.
they catch the light just right.
Hyacinth Visorbearer Augastes scutatus 21 Oct 2010, Serra do Cipó
Amethyst Woodstar Calliphlox amethystina 15 Oct 2010, Macaé do Cimo