Common Eider
Willow Ptarmigan -- feeding on willow, no less (first photo). Males were in their courtship plumage, red-brown head and white body. Females had fully molted into their summer brown.
Returning in the snow from a successful (but photoless) trek to find a Bristle-thighed Curlew, we found this American Golden-Plover who must have had a nest nearby considering how it stood its ground. You can see how effective its camouflage would be if it put its head down.
A female Ruff, also known as a Reeve. Compare to the male Ruff seen at Barrow.
Bar-tailed Godwit
This Surfbird was far from any surf.
American Dipper. Note that when it blinks, it shows its white eyelid.
Eastern Yellow Wagtail